The Newborn Series
After your baby is born, your life changes overnight. You’re more in love than ever before, are majorly sleep deprived, on a rollercoaster of emotions and have an endless amount of questions. There’s so much you’re all the sudden supposed to know. You took all the baby prep classes, but it feels like no one truly prepared you for this. Motherhood is a whole new ballgame.
But you don’t have to go through it alone. Mom League’s curated curriculum covers all the newborn topics you need to know about - all in one place.
More than that, you’ll find a built in community of other moms going through the same changes that you are. You’ll find an opportunity to learn, laugh, share and unite with other moms. So whether you’re a first-time mom, or you’ve done this before, we welcome you to join us. Every baby and postpartum experience is unique and every mom deserves a squad and a team of curated experts to carry her through.
8-week series with moms & babies (0-12 weeks old at the start of the series)
Register for the series following your due date
Local perinatal experts share their area of expertise in newborn and postpartum care
Instructor-led group discussions
Series launch monthly so moms and babies are going through the same stages
Meet with the same group of ~12 moms + babies each week
Access to larger Mom League community
We offer scholarships. If you’re interested, please apply under the “About” tab
Are you a two-Mom family? We welcome both moms to attend
Welcome, Intros & Birth Stories
Feeding Baby: Breast, Bottle & Pumping
Perinatal Mental Health
The Postpartum Body & Recovery
Identity Shifts + Matrescence
Newborn Sleep
Navigating Relationships After Baby
1:1 Mom & Baby Photography Session (last class)
Plus, rotating discussion topics include: Returning to Work (or not), Setting Boundaries, Traveling with Baby, Pediatric & Postnatal Chiropractic Care & more.