Hospital Bag Essentials
Kelly recently welcomed her second baby into the world. Feeling a bit more prepared this time around, she made a list of the hospital bag essentials. Pack like a pro with the following:
a sound machine: babies are used to hearing your body's insides and it's as loud as a vacuum! Post-delivery rooms can be super quiet, so this will help your baby (and you!) sleep. We like the portable Hushh ($30 on Amazon), but any will do.
comfort items: your own pillow with a different color pillowcase so it doesn't get mixed up with the hospital's, a cozy blanket for both of you and your partner and a bath towel (the hospital's can be small).
SNACKS: but also, I highly recommend the little ice cream cups and popsicles while you're still permitted to eat before labor.
a long charging cord for your phone: trust. You'll want to grab every selfie or squishy newborn pic possible.
entertainment for downtime: a book, downloaded show or podcast: in case there's downtime (inductions can take a while, especially the first time around!)
chapstick + a large water bottle with a straw: breathing through labor can chap your lips and staying hydrated is key!
toiletries: dry shampoo, shampoo & conditioner, and shower shoes (if that bothers you).
if BF is a part of your feeding plan, bring a lightweight robe (believe me, you'll spend a lot of time topless), your Boppy or BF pillow & nipple cream (lanolin or an organic version you don't have to wipe off before the next feeding).
going home outfits: for your baby + for you. Weather permitting, bring a dress – as maternity leggings can hit you right at the incision if you have a C-section.
Lastly, a pro tip: paint your nails & toes. Take it or leave it, but I found it to be worth it! My friend Hannah who recently did the April Newborn Series had her daughter just a few weeks before I had my son and she gave me this tip. In her words, “you're going to feel very, very exposed. So having my nails painted helped me feel a little bit more put together than I actually was.” I found that to be true!